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Friday 5 September 2014

Government, of any Kind, Currently Affects Every Human Activity, in Many Important Ways.

Government (not goverment)- Means- 1. The group, or groups, of people, who govern a state. 2. The system by which a state or community (commune, communist) is governed.

Governor (not govaner)-Means- an official (civil servant) appointed (often by vote) to govern a town or region (mayor). Administrative, head, of a PUBLIC INSTITUTION.
A government is the system by which a state or community is governed. In English (Commonwealth), a government more narrowly refers to the particular executive in control of a state at a given time—known in the language of the United States of the Americas (because, definitions, meanings, pronunciations, spellings, the very  alphabet has been changed; the language, obviously, is not intended to be, and cannot be considered to be; English—supposedly, the language of international commerce and the language of the United Kingdom, Commonwealth)[ "What Are You Talking About?" Do You Really Have Any Idea-At all?] as an administration. In that language- of the United States of the Americas- government refers to the larger system by which any state is organised. Furthermore, government is occasionally used in English as a synonym for governance.
In the case of its broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislators, administrators, and arbitrators. Government is the means by which state policy-as dictated by the voting citizenship (if applicable) - is enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of that state. A form of government, or form of state governance, refers to the set of political systems and institutions that make up the organisation of a specific government.
Government, of any kind, currently affects every human activity in many important ways. For this reason, political scientists generally argue that government should not be studied by itself; but should be studied along with anthropology, economics, history, philosophy, science, and sociology.
On the surface, identifying a form of government appears to be easy, as all governments have an official form. The United States of the Americas is a federal republic, while the former Soviet Union was a Socialist Republic- it was not true communism (examples of Communism: neighbourhood communities, the Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites,  and Mormons).
However, self-identification is not objective, and defining regimes can be tricky. For example, elections are a defining characteristic of a democracy, but in practise elections often are not "free and fair" and take place with a single party state; or they include only long defined, traditional, often very dictatorial political parties that when it comes to the reality, GREED are all working together to stay in power. Thus, in many practical classifications, they would not- could not- be considered democratic.

Term and Definition
Aristocracy-Rule by elite citizens-it has come to mean rule by "the aristocracy"- people- who have, commonly, come to be known as “Celebrities” , or that are of “noble” birth. An aristocracy is not a government by the "best" or even, necessarily, “good” people. A person who rules in an aristocracy is seen as an aristocrat, pure and simple. But, aristocracy is different from nobility, in that nobility means that one bloodline would rule; an aristocracy would mean that a few or many bloodlines would rule, or that rulers be chosen in a different manner-usually financial (as being bought and paid for by a large, usually “international” corporation, military, or religious, power. FEUDALISM (European or otherwise), and post-revolutionary United States of the Americas, are historical examples of this type of government, and lately; Canada has also been moved, strongly, in this direction.
Geniocracy- Means- MANAGEMENT-not rule- by the intelligent; in a system of governance; where creativity, innovation, intelligence and wisdom, are required for those who wish to HELP in serving the WISHES of society.
Catastrophacy - Government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizens.
Kratocracy- Means- dictating rule, such as in the United States of the Americas, by the strong or powerful; a system of governance; where those who are strong enough seize power; then, through physical force, social manoeuvring, or political cunning, dictate to the “pawns” of society. The process can mimic Darwinian (natural-by Nature, the Creator) selection. Again, FEUDALISM (European or otherwise), and post-revolutionary United States of the Americas, are historical examples of this type of government, and lately; Canada has also been moved, strongly, in this direction.
Meritocracy- Means- Management- by the meritorious; in a system of governance, where, and in which, groups are selected on the basis of their ability, knowledge in a given area, and/or, contributions to that society.
Timocracy- Means-Management- with and through, honour; in a system of governance ruled by honourable citizens and possibly even, property owners. Socrates defined Timocracy as a form of government, ruled by people who love honour, and are selected according to the degree of honour they hold in society. This form of timocracy is very similar to meritocracy, in the sense that individuals of outstanding character or faculty are placed in the seat of administrative or management authority.
Technocracy- Means-Management- by the educated, or technical experts; a system of governance where people who are skilled, or proficient govern in their respective areas of expertise in technology would be in control of all final decision making. Doctors, engineers, scientists, professionals and technologists who have knowledge, expertise, or skills, would compose this body, instead of politicians, businessmen, and economists. In a technocracy, decision makers would be selected based upon how knowledgeable and skillful they are in their field.

Autocratic Attributes
Governments with autocratic attributes are dominated by one person who has all, or most all, of the power over the people in a country. The Roman Republic made dictators to lead during times of war; but, the Roman dictators only held power for a small time. In modern times, very, very unfortunately for all concerned (both George Bushes and the war in Iraq) an autocrat's rule is not stopped by any rules of law, constitutions, or other social and political institutions. After World War II, many governments Latin America, North America, Asia, and Africa were ruled by autocratic governments. Examples of autocrats include both the Bush Governments, Idi Amin, Muammar Gaddafi, Adolf Hitler and Gamal Abdul Nasser.
Term and Definition
Autocracy-Means-Rule- by one individual, whose decisions are not necessarily subject to either external legal restraints or regular mechanisms of popular control(by the Citizens-the People-the Taxpayers-the owners of the country- or often, even by “common sense, (except perhaps by implicit threat). An autocrat needs servants while a despot needs slaves-an Autocracy usually has both- despots and autocrats.
Despotism-Means-Rule- by a single entity with absolute power. That entity may be an individual, as in an autocracy, or it may be a group, as in an oligarchy. The word despotism means to "rule in the fashion of a despot" and does not necessarily require a single, or individual, "despot". A despot needs slaves while an autocrat needs servants.
But, Remember, Dictatorship Also-Means-Rule by an individual who has full power over the country. The term may refer to a system where the dictator came to power, and holds it, purely by force; but it also includes systems where the dictator first came to power legitimately but then was able to amend the constitution or other Authorities and/or laws so as to, in effect, gather all power for themselves. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control- in a Democratic Dictatorship a political party; or very often, lately conspiring political parties and international-(often North American based) corporations are in control. Usually, there is little or no attention to public opinion or individual rights. See also Autocracy and Stratocracy.
Fascism-Means-Rule- by leader base only. Fascism focuses heavily on patriotism and national identity. The leader(s) has the power to make things illegal that do not relate to nationalism, or increase belief in national pride. They believe their nation is based on commitment to an organic national community where its citizens are united together as one people through a national identity. It exalts nation and race above the individual and stands for severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. In our “modern society, so called First Nstions is a perfect example.

Monarchic Attributes
Governments with monarchic attributes are ruled by a king/emperor or a queen/empress who usually holds their position for life. There are two types of monarchies: absolute monarchies and constitutional monarchies. In an absolute monarchy, the ruler has no limits on their wishes or powers. In a constitutional monarchy a ruler's powers are limited by a document called a constitution. The constitution was put in place to put a check to these powers
Term and Definition
Absolute Monarchy-Means- A variant of dictatorship; a system of governance in which a monarch (dictator) exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state, head of government, and owner of the land.
Constitutional Monarchy-Means- A variant of monarchy; a system of governance that has a monarch, but one whose powers are limited by law or by a formal constitution-as written and enforced by the People(citizens, taxpayers, owners of the country), such as that in the United Kingdom/British Commonwealth

Pejorative Attributes
Regardless of the form of government, the actual governance may be influenced by sectors given political power (often illegally; without there ever having been a referendum or citizen/taxpayer vote) which are not part of the formal government. Certain actions of the governors, such as corruption, demagoguery, or fear mongering, may disrupt the intended way of working of the government, if they are widespread enough.
Term and Definition
Bankocracy-Means-Actual Rule by banks- in a system of governance with excessive power or influence of banks and other financial authorities on public policy-making. It can also refer to a form of government where financial institutions rule society.
Corporatocracy-Means-Rule- by corporations; in a system of governance where an economic and political system is controlled by corporations or corporate interests. Canada, and especially, the province of British Columbia, is becoming a prime example.
Catastrophacy-Means-Rule- by the stupid; in a system of governance where the worst or least-qualified citizens govern or dictate policies. Due to human nature being inherently flawed, it has been suggested that every government which has ever existed has been a prime example 

The Basic Forms of Government - Definitions of the major governmental terms are as follows. (Note that for some countries more than one definition applies.):
Absolute Monarchy - a form of government, where the monarch (dictator) rules unhindered, i.e., without any laws, constitution, or legally organised opposition.
Anarchy - a condition of lawlessness or political disorder, brought about by the absence of governmental authority-as authorised and recognised by citizens and taxpayers - the peoples of a country.
Authoritarian - a form of government in which state authority is imposed onto many aspects of citizens', taxpayers - the peoples of a country - lives.
Commonwealth - a nation, state, or other political entity founded on legally authorised and entitled laws, and united by a compact (contract by and of the people) for the common good.

Communist – The word "community" is derived from the Old French comunete which is derived from the Latin communitas (from Latin communis, things held in common), a broad term for fellowship or organized society- community, commune, for the common wealth - a system of government in which the state as authorised, by the citizens, taxpayers, the peoples of a country - plans and controls the economy and a single party holds power; state controls are imposed, with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while progressing toward a higher social order; in which all goods are equally shared by the people (i.e., a classless society – with NO discrimination- in which  ALL PEOPLES ARE EQUAL –some of the closest, exiting, examples- the Amish, Hutterites,  Mennonites, Mormons).

Confederacy (Confederation) - a union by compact or treaty between (the peoples of) states, provinces, or territories, that creates a central government with limited powers; the constituent entities retain supreme authority over all matters except those delegated to the central government.
Constitutional - a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government.
Constitutional Democracy - a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution.
Constitutional Monarchy - a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution whereby his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.
Democracy - a very awkward, costly, cumbersome, ineffectual, size limited (hamlet or small village being about largest size in which workable), slow moving, usually unworkable, form of government; in which the supreme power (technically a referendum or vote is required for each and every action) is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised, indirectly through a system of authorised representation, and delegated authority (for example, “crown” corporations- owned by the peoples-can not be privatised or sold, unless by public authorisation and vote), periodically renewed and voted upon.
Democratic Republic - a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.
Dictatorship - a form of government in which a ruler or small clique wield absolute power (not restricted by a constitution, or, adhered to, laws).
Ecclesiastical - a government administrated by a church.
Emirate - similar to a dictatorship, many constitutional democracies, monarchy, or sultanate, but, a government in which the supreme power is in the hands of an emir (the ruler of a Muslim state); the emir may be an absolute overlord or a sovereign- with constitutionally limited, authority.
Federal (Federation) - a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided - usually by means of a constitution-as and when authorised by the citizens, taxpayers,  Peoples of a country- between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts Influence Directly Upon (Not POWER OVER) Individuals, as well as upon the regional units.
Federal Republic - a state-such as the United States of  the Americas - in which the powers of the central government are restricted and in which the component parts (states, colonies, or provinces) retain a degree of self-government; ultimate sovereign power rests with the voters; who chose their Governmental Representatives.
Islamic Republic - a particular form of government, adopted by some, Muslim states; although such a state is, in theory, a theocracy, it remains a republic, but its laws are required to be compatible with the laws of Islam.
Maoism - the theory and practise of MARXISM-LENINISM developed in China??? by Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), which states that a continuous revolution is necessary if the leaders of a communist or socialist state are to keep in touch with the people.
Marxism - the political, economic, and social principles espoused by 19th century economist/POLITICIAN Karl Marx; he viewed the struggle of workers as a progression of historical forces that would proceed from a class struggle of the proletariat (workers) exploited by capitalists (business owners), to a socialist "dictatorship of the proletariat,"(Labour Union) to, finally, a classless society – Not Necessarily, and definitely NOT Communism.
Marxism-Leninism - an expanded form of Socialism – not necessarily- usually- or  often even related to - Communism - developed by Lenin from doctrines of Karl Marx; Lenin saw imperialism as the final stage of capitalism and shifted the focus of workers' struggle from developed to underdeveloped countries.
Monarchy - a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right; the monarch may be either a sole absolute ruler or a sovereign - such as a king, queen, or prince - with constitutionally limited authority.
Oligarchy - a government (often global or international, The United States Of The Americas Dream) in which control is exercised by a small group of corporations, and/or individuals, whose authority generally is based on wealth or power.
Parliamentary Democracy - a political system in which the legislature (parliament) selects the government - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor along with cabinet ministers, and bureaucratic (money grabbing) corporations/offices- according to party strength, and/or amalgamation - as expressed in elections; by this system, the government is meant to acquire a designated dual responsibility: to the people - as well as to the parliament.
Parliamentary government (Cabinet-Parliamentary government) - a government in which members of an executive branch (the cabinet and its leader - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor) are nominated to their positions by a legislature or parliament, and are directly responsible to it; this type of government can be dissolved at will by the parliament (legislature) by means of a no confidence vote or the leader of the cabinet may dissolve the parliament if it can no longer function. Of course, as we have so often seen in recent history, any government can still be- Permanently Dissolved- French Revolution, Hitler, and Mussolini – by the people.
Parliamentary Monarchy - a state headed by a monarch who is not actively involved in policy formation or implementation (i.e., the exercise of sovereign powers by a monarch in a ceremonial capacity); true governmental leadership is carried out by a cabinet and its head - a prime minister, premier, or chancellor - who are drawn from a legislature (parliament)- and directed by the people.
Presidential - a system of government where the executive branch exists separately from a legislature (to which (it is generally not accountable).
Republic - a representative democracy in which the people's elected deputies (representatives), not the people themselves, vote on legislation.
Socialism - a government in which the means of planning, producing, and distributing goods is controlled by a central government that theoretically Seeks A More Just And Equitable Distribution Of Property And Labour; in actuality, most  socialist governments-like all  so Called democracies – and most other governments the world has ever known - have ended up being no more than dictatorships over workers by a ruling(aristocratic, celebrity), so perceived, elite.
Sultanate - similar to a federal democracy, monarchy or other dictatorship, but a government  in which the supreme power is in the hands of a sultan (the head of a Muslim state); the sultan – like a Constitutional Monarch- may, now, be an absolute ruler, or a sovereign, with constitutionally limited authority.
Theocracy - a form of government in which a Deity is recognised as the supreme civil ruler, but the Deity's laws are interpreted by ecclesiastical authorities (bishops, mullahs, etc.); a government subject to religious authority.
Totalitarian - a government that seeks to subordinate the individual to the state by controlling not only all political and economic matters, but also the attitudes, values, and beliefs of its population.

Afghanistan                 Islamic republic
Albania                        parliamentary democracy
Algeria                         republic
American” Samoa NA
Andorra                       parliamentary democracy (since March 1993) that retains as its chiefs of state a co-principality; the two princes are the President of France and Bishop of Urgell, whose diocese is located in neighbouring Spain; both co-princes maintain offices and representatives in Andorra
Angola                         republic; multiparty presidential regime
Anguilla                       NA
Antarctica                    Antarctic Treaty Summary - the Antarctic region is governed by a system known as the Antarctic Treaty System
Antigua and Barbuda - constitutional monarchy, with a parliamentary system of government, and, a Commonwealth realm.
Argentina                     republic
Armenia                      republic
Aruba                          parliamentary democracy
Australia                      federal parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Austria                         federal republic
Azerbaijan                   republic
Bahamas                     constitutional parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Bahrain                        constitutional monarchy
Bangladesh                 parliamentary democracy
Barbados                     parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Belarus                        republic in name, although in fact a dictatorship
Belgium                       federal parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy
Belize                          parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Benin                           republic
Bermuda                     parliamentary; self-governing territory
Bhutan                         constitutional monarchy
Bolivia                         republic; note - the new constitution defines Bolivia as a "Social Unitarian State"
Bosnia/Herzegovina    emerging federal democratic republic
Botswana                    parliamentary republic
Brazil                           federal republic
British Virgin Islands    NA
Brunei                          constitutional sultanate (locally known as Malay Islamic Monarchy)
Bulgaria                       parliamentary democracy
Burkina Faso               parliamentary republic
Burma                         parliamentary government took power in March 2011
Burundi                        republic
Cabo Verde                 republic
Cambodia                   multiparty democracy under a constitutional monarchy
Cameroon                   republic; multiparty presidential regime
Canada                       a parliamentary democracy, more than somewhat of a dictatorship, a federation, and a constitutional monarchy
Cayman Islands          parliamentary democracy
Central African Republic       
Chad                           republic
Chile                            republic
China                           Socialist State – There Is Not Now, And Never Has Been, A Country That Is, Truly, Communist
Christmas Island         NA
Cocos (Keeling) Islands          NA
Colombia                     republic; executive branch dominates government structure
Comoros                     republic
Congo                         republic
Cook Islands               self-governing parliamentary democracy
Costa Rica                  democratic republic
Cote d'Ivoire                republic; multiparty presidential regime established 1960
Croatia                        parliamentary democracy
Cuba                              Socialist State – possible dictatorship- There Is Not Now, And Has Been, A    Country That Is, Truly, Communist
Curacao                      parliamentary
Cyprus                        republic
note: a separation of the two ethnic communities inhabiting the island began following the outbreak of communal strife in 1963; this separation was further solidified after the Turkish intervention in July 1974, following a Greek military-junta-supported coup attempt that gave the Turkish Cypriots de facto control in the north; Greek Cypriots control the only internationally recognized government; on 15 November 1983 Turkish Cypriot "President" Rauf DENKTAS declared independence and the formation of a "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" ("TRNC"), which is recognized only by Turkey
Czech Republic          parliamentary democracy
Denmark                     constitutional monarchy
Djibouti                        republic
Dominica                     parliamentary democracy
Dominican Republic   democratic republic
Ecuador                      republic
Egypt                           republic
El Salvador                 republic
Equatorial Guinea       republic
Eritrea                         transitional government
note: following a successful referendum on independence for the Autonomous Region of Eritrea on 23-25 April 1993, a National Assembly composed entirely of the People's Front for Democracy and Justice was established as a transitional legislature, and a Constitutional Commission was established to draft a constitution; ISAIAS Afworki was named president by the transitional legislature; the constitution, ratified in May 1997, did not enter into effect, pending parliamentary and presidential elections; parliamentary elections were scheduled in December 2001 but were postponed indefinitely
Estonia                        parliamentary republic
Ethiopia                       federal republic
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)        NA
Faroe Islands              NA
Fiji                                republic
Finland                        republic
France                         republic
French Polynesia        parliamentary representative democratic French overseas collectively
Gabon                         republic; multiparty presidential regime
Gambia, The               republic
Georgia                       republic
Germany                     federal republic
Ghana                         constitutional democracy
Gibraltar                      NA
Greece                        parliamentary republic
Greenland                   parliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy
Grenada                      parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Guam                          NA
Guatemala                  constitutional democratic republic
Guernsey                    parliamentary democracy
Guinea                        republic
Guinea-Bissau            republic
Guyana                       republic
Haiti                             republic
Holy See (Vatican City)          ecclesiastical
Honduras                    democratic constitutional republic
Hong Kong                  limited democracy
Hungary                      parliamentary democracy
Iceland                                    constitutional republic
India                            federal republic
Indonesia                     republic
Iran                              theocratic republic
Iraq                              Illegally, Imposed-Parliamentary Democracy
Ireland                         republic, parliamentary democracy
Isle of Man                  parliamentary democracy
Israel                           parliamentary democracy
Italy                             republic
Jamaica                      constitutional parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Japan                          a parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy
Jersey                         parliamentary democracy
Jordan                         constitutional monarchy
Kazakhstan                 republic; authoritarian presidential rule, with little power outside the executive branch
Kenya                          republic
Kiribati                         republic
Korea, North               Socialist State- There Is Not Now, And Never Has Been, A Country That Is, Truly, Communist - one-man dictatorship
Korea, South               republic
Kosovo                        republic
Kuwait                         constitutional emirate
Kyrgyzstan                  republic
Laos                            Socialist State - There Is Not Now, And Never Has Been, A Country That Is, Truly, Communist
Latvia                          parliamentary democracy
Lebanon                      republic
Lesotho                       parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Liberia                         republic
Libya                           operates under a transitional government
Liechtenstein               hereditary constitutional monarchy
Lithuania                      parliamentary democracy
Luxembourg                constitutional monarchy
Macau                         limited democracy
Macedonia                  parliamentary democracy
Madagascar                republic
Malawi                         multiparty democracy
Malaysia                      constitutional monarchy
note: nominally headed by paramount ruler (commonly referred to as the king) and a bicameral Parliament consisting of a non elected upper house and an elected lower house; all Peninsular Malaysian states have hereditary rulers (commonly referred to as sultans) except Melaka (Malacca) and Pulau Pinang (Penang); those two states along with Sabah and Sarawak in East Malaysia have governors appointed by government; powers of state governments are limited by federal constitution; under terms of federation, Sabah and Sarawak retain certain constitutional prerogatives (e.g., right to maintain their own immigration controls)
Maldives                      republic
Mali                             republic
Malta                           republic
Marshall Islands          constitutional government in”free association (something like California, Hawaii, and Texas were freely associated with the United States of the Americas; the Compact of Free Association  was entered into force on 21 October 1986 and the Amended Compact entered into force in May 2004
Mauritania                   military junta
Mauritius                     parliamentary democracy
Mexico                        federal republic
Micronesia, Federated States of - constitutional government in “free” association (something like California, Hawaii, and Texas were freely associated with the United States of the Americas; the Compact of Free Association entered into force on 3 November 1986 and the Amended Compact entered into force in May 2004.
Moldova                      republic
Monaco                       constitutional monarchy
Mongolia                     parliamentary
Montenegro                 republic
Montserrat                   NA
Morocco                      constitutional monarchy
Mozambique               republic
Namibia                       republic
Nauru                          republic
Nepal                           federal democratic republic
Netherlands                 constitutional monarchy
New Caledonia           parliamentary representative democracy
New Zealand               parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Nicaragua                   republic
Niger                           republic
Nigeria                         federal republic
Niue                             self-governing parliamentary democracy
Norfolk Island              NA
Northern Mariana Islands - commonwealth; self-governing with locally elected governor, lieutenant governor, and legislature
Norway                       constitutional monarchy
Oman                          monarchy
Pakistan                      federal republic
Palau                           constitutional government in “free” association with the United States of the Americas; the Compact of Free Association entered into force on 1 October 1994
Panama                      constitutional democracy
Papua New Guinea    constitutional parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Paraguay                    constitutional republic
Peru                            constitutional republic
Philippines                   republic
Pitcairn Islands            NA
Poland                         republic
Portugal                       republic; parliamentary democracy
Puerto Rico                 commonwealth
Qatar                           emirate
Romania                     republic
Russia                         federation
Rwanda                       republic; presidential, multiparty system
Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha        NA
Saint Kitts and Nevis - parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Saint Lucia                  parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Saint Pierre and Miquelon - parliamentary representative democracy
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Samoa                        parliamentary democracy
San Marino                 republic
Sao Tome and Principe -republic
Saudi Arabia               monarchy
Senegal                       republic
Serbia                          republic
Seychelles                  republic
Sierra Leone               constitutional democracy
Singapore                    parliamentary republic
Sint Maarten               parliamentary democracy - a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, is formed by the monarch, represented by the governor, and the ministers.
 Slovakia Slovenia      parliamentary republic
Solomon Islands         parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Somalia                       in the process of building a federal parliamentary republic
South Africa                republic
South Sudan               republic
Spain                           parliamentary monarchy
Sri Lanka                     republic
Sudan                          federal republic ruled by the National Congress Party, which seized power by military coup in 1989; the CPA-mandated Government of National Unity, which between 2005 and 2011 provided a percentage of leadership posts to the southern Sudan-based Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), was disbanded following the secession of South Sudan
Suriname                    constitutional democracy
Svalbard                      NA
Swaziland                    monarchy
Sweden                       constitutional monarchy
Switzerland                 formally a confederation but similar in structure to a federal republic
Syria                            republic under an authoritarian regime
Taiwan                        multiparty democracy
Tajikistan                     republic
Tanzania                     republic
Thailand                      constitutional monarchy
Timor-Leste                 republic
Togo                            republic under transition to multiparty democratic rule
Tokelau                       NA
Tonga                          constitutional monarchy
Trinidad and Tobago   parliamentary democracy
Tunisia                         republic
Turkey                         republican parliamentary democracy
Turkmenistan              defines itself as a secular democracy and a presidential republic; in actuality displays authoritarian presidential rule with power concentrated within the presidential administration
Turks and Caicos Islands       NA
Tuvalu                         parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm
Uganda                       republic
Ukraine                       republic
United Arab Emirates -federation with specified powers delegated to the UAE federal government and other powers reserved to member emirates
United Kingdom          constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm

United States of the Americas – Self identified as: a constitution-based federal republic; in actuality; since conception, it is possibly the most racially, and radically, prejudiced-- definitely the most paranoid – and the most imperialistic/militarily aggressive countryin the world; The “American”- so called- Dream Is Total Dictatorship And Domination-- Of The Entire Cosmos.

Uruguay                      constitutional republic
Uzbekistan                  republic; authoritarian presidential rule with little power outside the executive branch
Vanuatu                       parliamentary republic
Venezuela                   federal republic
Vietnam                       Communist state
Virgin Islands               NA- as with most things, the United States of the Americas thinks they own them.
Wallis and Futuna       parliamentary representative democratic French overseas collectivity
Western Sahara          legal status of territory and issue of sovereignty unresolved; territory contested by Morocco and Polisario Front (Popular Front for the Liberation of the Saguia el Hamra and Rio de Oro), which in February 1976 formally proclaimed a government-in-exile, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), based out of refugee camps near Tindouf, Algeria, led by President Mohamed ABDELAZIZ
Yemen                         republic
Zambia                        republic

Zimbabwe                   parliamentary democracy

© Al (Alex-Alexander) D. Girvan. All rights reserved..

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